
French Immersion Or Core French Group Lessons

The Immersion You Need - French Fluency with Interactive Group Lessons!

This program focuses on all four domains of the French language: reading, writing, oral communication, and listening skills. In addition to language, students will develop their critical thinking and creative skills to become confident French speakers. The teacher will cater the lesson based on your student's needs, goals, and areas that need improvement. Students are welcome to bring homework to share with the teacher and receive support. At the end of the session, the teacher will provide parents/guardians with an overview of the session.

French Immersion

Grades 1 to 8, 10 lessons (1 hour per lesson)

Core French

Grades 4 to 9 , 10 lessons (1 hour per lesson)


12 lessons, twice a week

French Immersion or Core French Private Lessons

This program focuses on the student's needs and goals in French. During the first lesson, the teacher will listen to student's interests, strengths, areas of difficulty, and personal goals. They will work together to develop a 10-lesson to 12-lesson program to improve students' skills. The program will focus on oral communication, reading, writing, grammar, and listening skills in French. Each lesson caters to your students and works towards successfully achieving their goals. After each lesson, the teacher will take time to discuss with parents/guardians what they worked on that session and provide the students with homework to continue to apply their skills outside the classroom. Students are also welcome to bring in homework.

French Immersion Or Core French Group Lessons

Robotics v.s. Programing v.s. Coding

Parents often asked us whether we teach coding in our robotic courses. To answer this question, we will need to differentiate three concepts first: robotics, programming and coding. Robotics is a general term that convers the study/research/manufacturing of robots. Robots must be programmed in order to do works automatically. Programming is the process of creating computer programs that follow certanin standards and perform certain tasks by robots. Coding, on the other hand, is a part of programming that deals strictly converting or translating human language into binary commands that can be interpreted by computers. There are more than 1,000 different coding languages available but the underlying programming logics are all the same. That being said, we teach and train our students how to do programming, but not coding in a specific coding language such as Python or Java.  

In RoboKIT courses, we use a drag-and-drop GUI interface to allow students to program robots in flow chart so that students can enjoy the process of buidling and programming their robots with the tedious coding process.

programing v.s. coding

How Are RoboKIT Courses Conducted?

Our RoboKIT courses are designed to inspire kids' curiosity, creativity and passion for computer programing. In each 10-week course period, students will be given a variety of robotic projects to complete pre-defined missions. For example, to build a maze-runner robot that can automatically navigate out of a maze. To complete such a mission, students will have a lot of freedom to design and build their robots, including to choose different types of input and output devices, to program their robots in a way that makes most sense to themselvs, and to test out how well their robots complete the mission. In such an experiential learning environment, it is natual that each student and/or each team progress at different pace. We appreciate that the fastest speed of completing a project does not always correlate the most of learning. Therefore we always courage students to take time to try different ways of designs, different approaches of programming, and continuously looking for new ways to improve their robots. At the end of course period, all students may or may not completed the same number of robotic projects, which is totally understood and expected. Students are encourage to continue in the next 10-week course period to design, build and program more sophisticated robots that perform at a higher level. 

Are Previous Robotic Experiences Required?

Though it is observed that more and more students in recent years joining our robotic courses with either some robotics building experience or  programming experience, or a combination of both, our RoboKids program in fact does not require any previous experience. During the first couple of classes in each course term, our instructor will go through the foundamentals of robotics including programming logics, input devices such as IR sensors or contact sensors, and output devices such as motors and LED lights. Students will learn how these input and output devices work together under the control of software programs stored in the CPU. 

How Are RoboKIT Courses Scheduled?

The RoboKids Courses are organzied in Course Terms. Each course term is ten (10) weeks long. There will be one (1) class each week during the term; and each class is 90 minutes long. After students completed a 10-week course term, majority of them choose to renew in a new term; and continue their journey of robotics learning at a high level. The RoboKids course fee is all-inclusive, including but not limited to, course fee, material fee, HST tax, and etc. 

French Immersion

Grades 1 to 8, 10 lessons (1 hour per lesson)

Core French

Grades 4 to 9 , 10 lessons (1 hour per lesson)


10 lessons to 12 lessons, twice a week

French Immersion or Core French Group Lessons Gallery


